Rowling Dung Bombs

An attempt to imagine beyond her mind..

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Dung Bombs for Joanne

Sometime in 1997, a year Indians would only remember as the 50th Anniversary of India's Indpendence, a book was released by an obscure publishing house called Bloomsbury. The book was titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, written by one Joanne Kathleen Rowling or simply J K Rowling. The author had no past record of literary achievement, unless you included a book called Rabbit that was about a rabbit!

Little did the world know that Harry Potter's world would transcend into the minds of millions of people, children and adults alike, triggering a thinking process in their brains(hitherto unused..). This thinking process grew more and more with the release of newer books on HP. And now, with the release of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince, a lot of existing theories on the characters in the books, have been quashed, only to give rise to newer ones, some of which were declared by Mugglenet's Emerson as delusional.

Now, most of the theories are based on only the important characters of the book. What this blog attempts to do is to create bigger and weirder theories based on the Harry Potter characters, with the aim of providing "explanation" to some of the doubts that the readers might have, with a whole lot of entertainment!A brainchild of Hari Potter and AdiRulz, this blog shall deliver what Joanne Rowling can only call Dung Bombs!

For logical and sane theories you can visit Hari Potter's blog.


Blogger nandini said...

he he ...can I join?

7:04 AM  
Blogger nandini said...

weirder and weirder theories...most theories become pretty weird just when JKR releases the next book ;P

7:09 AM  
Blogger Adi said...

sure nan...check for the invite in ur email..

8:40 AM  
Blogger nandini said... the invite and joined!

7:24 PM  
Blogger Adi said...

hari..i was about to write that...thnx for doing so :)

9:40 PM  
Blogger Irritating specimen said...

how did u form the gps..? how come 3 of u are there??

11:35 PM  
Blogger Adi said...


i used the concept of team blogs...where more than one user can post stuff, with the founder being the administrator..

1:07 AM  

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